When I upgraded my phone to the Samsung Galaxy S4, I was excited about all of the new features. One of the features I was most looking forward to was the voicemail feature. But How Do I Use Voicemail on My Galaxy S4? I had heard that it was much better than the voicemail feature on my old phone. I was disappointed to find that the voicemail feature on my Galaxy S4 is not very good.
Voicemail is a great way to stay in touch with people when you can’t answer your phone. Even if you’re not expecting a call, voicemail can be a great way to get important messages. In this article, we will discuss How Do I Use Voicemail on My Galaxy S4?
What Is Voicemail?
Voicemail is a way of communicating with someone by leaving a message on their voicemail service. Voicemail works by recording a message and sending it to the recipient’s voicemail box.
The recipient can then listen to the message at their convenience. Voicemail boxes usually come with a limited amount of storage, so it is important to delete messages after they have been listened to.
How Do I Use Voicemail on My Galaxy S4?
With the Samsung Galaxy S4, you can easily access your voicemail messages. When someone leaves you a voicemail, you will receive a notification on your device. You can then choose to listen to the message or delete it. Look Here’s how to use voicemail on your Galaxy S4:

- Open the Phone app and tap the Voicemail tab.
- Enter your voicemail password and tap OK.
- You can now listen to your voicemails or delete them.
- To delete a voicemail, just swipe it to the left and tap Delete.
- If you want to save a voicemail, just swipe it to the right and tap Save As Voicemail Message.
How to Check Your Voicemail from Your Home Screen?
Checking your voicemail from your home screen is a great way to keep track of your messages without having to navigate away from what you’re doing.

- To check your voicemail from your home screen, open the phone app and look for the voicemail tab.
- If you don’t see the voicemail tab, it might be hidden; in that case, swipe down from the top of the screen and tap on the “more” tab.
- Tap on the voicemail tab and then enter your voicemail password.
- Once you’re in your voicemail, you can listen to messages, delete them, or save them to your phone.
- You can also manage your settings from within your voicemail account.
How to Get Notified of New Voicemails? [3 Ways]
There are a few ways that you can get notified of new voicemails.
1. By Your Phone Ring
One way is to have your phone ringtone when there is a new voicemail. This can be done by adjusting your phone settings or by using an app.
2. Through Your Email
Another way to get notified of new voicemails is to have them sent to your email. You can either have the voicemail sent as an email attachment or you can have the audio of the voicemail played in an email.
3. Showing Up on The Galaxy S4 Screen
The last way to get notified of new voicemails is to have them show up on the Galaxy S4 screen. This can be done by having the voicemail transcribed and then sent to you as a text message or by using an app.
How to Customize Your Voicemail Settings?
Do you want to change your voicemail settings but don’t know how? Don’t worry, we’ll show you how.

How to Customize?
First, open your phone’s menu. Then, select “settings” and “call settings.” Scroll down and select “voicemail.” From there, you can choose a new greeting, set up notification options, and more.
How to Change Your Voicemail Password?
If you want to change your voicemail password, just select “password” under the voicemail settings menu. Enter your current password followed by the new one twice. Make sure to remember your new password, because you’ll need it to access your voicemail later.
How Long Your Messages Are Stored?
You can also choose how long your messages are stored and whether or not people can leave voice messages when you’re unavailable.
How to Listen to Your Voicemails?
In order to listen to voicemail on your Galaxy S4 & on other your mobile phones or andriod, you’ll need to know how to access your voicemail settings. To do this, open the Phone app and tap the Menu icon in the top-left corner of the screen.
Then select Settings and scroll down until you see Voicemail Settings. Tap this option and you’ll be taken to a screen where you can enter your voicemail password (if applicable) and configure other settings.
Once you’re in the Voicemail Settings menu, there are two ways to listen to your messages: either by phone or online. To listen to them by phone, simply dial your voicemail number (usually *86) and press the Call button.
This will connect you to your voicemail account and you can listen to your messages by following the prompts.
How to Delete Your Voicemails? [3 Ways]
There are a few ways to delete your voicemails.

1. Call Your Voicemail
One way is to call your voicemail and listen to the messages. Once you have found the message you want to delete, press 7 and then the pound sign. This will delete the message.
2. Go Online And Log into Your Voicemail Account
Another way is to go online and log into your voicemail account. Once you are logged in, you will be able to see all of your messages. To delete a message, click on it and then click the delete button.
3. Use an App on Your Phone
The last way is to use an app on your phone. There are many different apps that allow you to do this, but one of the most popular ones is called “Vlingo”. With this app, you can not only delete voicemails but also read them and respond to them.
In conclusion, using voicemail on your Galaxy S4 is a very easy process. You can either dial *98 or go to the Phone app and select Voicemail. You will then be prompted to enter your voicemail password.
After that, you can listen to your messages by selecting Voicemail and then the Inbox tab. You can also manage your voicemail settings by selecting Settings and then Voicemail Settings.
After following the steps above, you will be able to access your voicemail and listen to messages. If you have any questions or need help, consult your carrier’s customer service.